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About me
Reed Anderson Artist, Reed Anderson Bio, Reed Anderson CV, Reed Anderson Resume

Photo: Arthur Evans

My name is Reed Anderson and I was born in NYC. 

I have been exhibiting my work nationally and internationally for over 25 years. I began school at the Cleveland Institute of Art where I feel lucky to have studied with Julian Stanczak. After 3 years in Cleveland I transferred to the San Francisco Art Institute where I graduated with a BFA in Printmaking.

I attended Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture where I met a lot of great people I still know today. Later in life I went to Stanford University and Graduated with an MFA in studio art in 2009. My work is in public collections that include MOMA, NYC; Albright-Knox, Buffalo; The West Collection, Philadelphia; The Olbricht collection, Esssen Germany and The Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary in Austria among other private collections...

If you would like to get in touch please use the CONTACT button and I will get back to you!

© 2024 Reed Anderson

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